Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Romantic Period

Rosalie has the words of the day.  

Okay, so you have a test on the Romantic period - mainly the shorter readings, Longfellow, Emerson, Thoreau, Poe.  You'll need to be able to give the main idea(s) of the pieces along with examples - specifics - from the text.  You might also need to give the contact for writing the piece (example: what inspired Thoreau to write "Civil Disobedience").  We spend a lot time picking our main ideas and how these ideas were developed, and we talked about author's purpose.  These are the things that you'll be tested on.  Test Date: 11/19

Today - we need to create a study guide and begin reviewing.

HW: Chapter 10. 

NOTE: Personal Narratives will be due on Friday (note that this is an extension).  

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