Thursday 7 November 2013

Scarlet Letter

LEARNING GOAL: RL9 - read and discuss classical literature of the 19th century.  Determine a theme of a text by referring to specifics from a text.  

Objective: record and analysis specifics from the text as you read.  Make sure these specifics interest you and relate to some larger idea or connection.  

 Today, I need to collect your Personal Narratives.  I want you to share one of your dialectical journals with the class as a discussion starter (and to see if you are going in the right direction).  We need to discuss due dates.  You also have new vocabulary (look up for homework).  Read chapter 5.

Okay, so you have a test on the Romantic period - mainly the shorter readings, Longfellow, Emerson, Thoreau, Poe.  You'll need to be able to give the main idea(s) of the pieces along with examples - specifics - from the text.  You might also need to give the contact for writing the piece (example: what inspired Thoreau to write "Civil Disobedience").  We spend a lot time picking our main ideas and how these ideas were developed, and we talked about author's purpose.  These are the things that you'll be tested on.  Test Date: 11/19

You'll also have a final essay on The Scarlet Letter.  This will be analytical and will discuss how a theme is developed throughout the course of a novel by looking at either character development, symbol or symbolism, and/or novel structure.  Due Date: 11/26  

Dialectical Journals will be due on 11/21.

There are 24 chapters in the Scarlet Letter.

Reading Schedule:
11/7 chapter 5
11/8 chapter 6
11/9 chapters 7-8
11/10 chapters 9-10
11/11 chapter 11
11/12 chapter 12
11/13 chapter 13
11/14 chapter 14
11/15 chapter 15
11/16 chapters 16-17
11/17 chapters 18-19
11/18 STUDY (chapter 20)
11/19 chapter 21-22
11/20 chapters 23-24

Vocabulary Words:


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