Friday 15 November 2013

LEARNING GOAL: RL9 - read and discuss classical literature of the 19th century.  Determine a theme of a text by referring to specifics from a text.  

Objective: record and analysis specifics from the text as you read.  Make sure these specifics interest you and relate to some larger idea or connection.  
You will have a final essay on The Scarlet Letter.  This will be analytical and will discuss how a theme is developed throughout the course of a novel by looking at either character development, symbol or symbolism, and/or novel structure.

Remember - your test on the American Romantic Period is on Tuesday.  
Your vocabulary quiz is next Friday.
Dialectical journals are due on a week from Monday and essays will be due after Thanksgiving (though I will take them before if you are done). 

Today, after Rosalie presents, I want each of you to read one of your dialectical journal entries to discuss as a class.

We will then look at chapter 13. 

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