Tuesday 5 November 2013

Scarlet Letter chapters 2-3

LEARNING GOAL: RL9 - read and discuss classical literature of the 19th century.  Determine a theme of a text.

Objective: Look at how the symbol and theme you chose for chapter one grows in chapters 2-3.

As a class I want you to read chapters 2 and 3.  Mark you book as you read and think about the symbol and theme you chose in chapter 1.  Most of you picked the rose or nature or forgiveness (and these are all correct).  Think about beauty vs. darkness or nature vs. society, or the idea of forgiveness (who must forgive who?  who must forgive these characters?).  Now, post the notes you took as you read.  You should post at least five things that match your thoughts for chapter 1.  Please describe these notes. 

If you get done with this before class ends, review Romanticism and the works that we have read.  There will be a test in a couple of weeks. 

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