Monday 21 April 2014

Grapes of Wrath MOVEMENT 1

So the 1st 11 chapters make up the first movement of the book. 

Chapter 11 ends with abandon houses and kids coming to break the windows.  There is a ghost-like feeling to these houses and the land: places where people were born, struggled, lived, died, and now everyone is gone. 


3 movements

Part one Chapters 1- 11
About the Family/ Oklahoma
Before and getting ready to move

11- tractors workers disconnection from the land/ What happens to the land when it is disconnected from the people. So disconnected from the land they don't know how to manage it
The land is becoming wild again

part two be
The journey

Chapter 12----------
Route 66. the road to the promise land
*Cars/ Cars breaking down
- 250,000
- abandoned cars all over the road
*Families looking for parts and being ripped off for those parts
* Handbills

Lost the dog
Lost grandpa
down to 12 people

Meet the wilsons
Sairy and Ivy, they have been on the road for 3 weeks and are from Kansas.
Foreshadow because there is something wrong with Sairy

Themes: We vs I and the Idea of Family, the Joads have extended their family to the wilsons and Casy.

They become one once Tom shows hospitality and Grandpa dies in the Wilsons tent
they team up with the Wilsons to get to Cali
Had to bury Grandpa with a note and random saying from the bible
Grandpa died as soon as they took him off that land

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