Wednesday 2 October 2013

adverb clauses, adjective clauses, noun clauses

Adverb clauses go here

Adjective clauses go here

Noun clauses go here

Take the quiz here to practice, and then do the following:

    Identifying Subordinate Clauses. Underline the subordinate clause in each of these complex sentences, Write whether it is a Noun, Adjective, or Adverb clause.

            1. When the shipment arrives we will collect the money.__________________________
            2. The club, which welcomes visitors, meets on Tuesdays. ________________________
            3. Diving is a skill that requires concentration. __________________________________
            4. Experts predicted that the election would be close. _____________________________
            5. Do you know where the Greek restaurant is? _________________________________
            6. Is that the flute that you carved? ___________________________________________
            7. Terry didn’t hear what the score was. _______________________________________
            8. The trees that David planted are elms. _______________________________________
            9. Homework was collected before class started._________________________________
            10. Peg phoned the store when her order was not delivered. ________________________

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