Monday, 28 April 2014

Grapes of Wrath

Today we need to read chapters 21 and 22. 

There is a lot of reading here so keep up.  Also, remember to post your outlines of chapters 1-18 tonight. 

Thursday, 24 April 2014

The Grapes of Wrath

Today - we will briefly discuss chapter 18.  We'll read chapter 19.

Afterwards, I want you to outline the book to where we are - go chapter by chapter include:

1) Theme
2) Brief description of what happens
3) characters
4) Any important symbol or motif
5) Make sure you list the inciting event.

This outline will be due on Tuesday.  Try and get as much done today and tonight.  It'll be worth 38 points - 2 pts per chapter.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Chapters 15 and 16

Chapter 15 is the chapter about the diner and the truck drivers.  Diners are like an oasis on the road.  The chapter shows that Al, Mae, and the drivers do care about all these people on the road, but feel overwhelmed at the same time.

Chapter 16 -
Junk yard and the private camp
One eyed man- feels sorry for himself and prevent himself from doing anything
Stienbeck is trying to say that you cant let thing hold you back

Private camp- man who was in cali and tells them that someone owns everything and that its not going to be like what everyone thinks. it is workers needed, not told the salary. you work just enough to live. he lost his entire family.

The One Eyed man is a symbol you'll need to know.  

Monday, 21 April 2014

Grapes of Wrath MOVEMENT 1

So the 1st 11 chapters make up the first movement of the book. 

Chapter 11 ends with abandon houses and kids coming to break the windows.  There is a ghost-like feeling to these houses and the land: places where people were born, struggled, lived, died, and now everyone is gone. 


3 movements

Part one Chapters 1- 11
About the Family/ Oklahoma
Before and getting ready to move

11- tractors workers disconnection from the land/ What happens to the land when it is disconnected from the people. So disconnected from the land they don't know how to manage it
The land is becoming wild again

part two be
The journey

Chapter 12----------
Route 66. the road to the promise land
*Cars/ Cars breaking down
- 250,000
- abandoned cars all over the road
*Families looking for parts and being ripped off for those parts
* Handbills

Lost the dog
Lost grandpa
down to 12 people

Meet the wilsons
Sairy and Ivy, they have been on the road for 3 weeks and are from Kansas.
Foreshadow because there is something wrong with Sairy

Themes: We vs I and the Idea of Family, the Joads have extended their family to the wilsons and Casy.

They become one once Tom shows hospitality and Grandpa dies in the Wilsons tent
they team up with the Wilsons to get to Cali
Had to bury Grandpa with a note and random saying from the bible
Grandpa died as soon as they took him off that land

Thursday, 17 April 2014

YOUTUBE citations

For those of you using YouTube as a source - you might check HERE for a link for proper steps to cite the source.  NOTE - Purdue OWL offers the following help on citing YOUTUBE videos:

The MLA does not specifically address how to cite a YouTube video. This has, it appears, led to some confusion as to the best method of for citing YouTube videos in MLA. 
Based on MLA standards for other media formats, we feel that the following format is the most acceptable for citing YouTube videos:
Author’s Name or Poster’s Username. “Title of Image or Video.” Media Type
Text. Name of Website. Name of Website’s Publisher, date of posting. Medium. date retrieved.

Here is an example of what that looks like:

Shimabukuro, Jake. "Ukulele Weeps by Jake Shimabukuro." Online video clip.

. YouTube, 22 Apr. 2006. Web. 9 Sept. 2010.


Work on essays.  Final draft due on Monday.

Remember that most of you need work on your Works Cited page, in-text citations, and conclusions.  Look at the rubrics that I handed out to you and grade yourself on them.  Where are you?  Where do you need to go? 

HW: Read chapter 10 of The Grapes of Wrath.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Notes on the first three chapters?

People - Things to know:

Tom Joad - killed someone, was in jail released/paroled for good behavior
Jim Casey - former preacher lost his faith (philosophy: "maybe its not sin, maybe its just what people do to each other")  - We vs. I theme

Turtle - symbol (Joads - nature vs. industry?)

Trucker Drivers/Diners/Waitresses

Themes: We vs. I, Moloch vs. the people

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Grapes of Wrath Reading Schedule

4/14 Chapters 4 & 5 (pages 17-39)
4/15 Chapters 6 & 7 (pages 40-66)
4/16 Chapters 8 & 9 (pages 67-89)
4/17 Chapter 10 (pages 90-114)
4/18 Chapters 11-13 (pages 115-149)

4/21 Chapters 14 & 15 (pages 150-162)
4/22 Chapter 16 (pages 163-192)
4/23 Chapters 17 & 18 (pages 193-230)
4/24 Chapter 19 (pages 231-240)
4/25 Chapter 20 (241-281)

4/28 Chapter 21 & 22 (pages 282-324)
4/29 Chapter 23 (pages 325-330)
4/30 Chapters 24 & 25 (pages 331-349)
5/1 Chapter 26
5/2 Chapter 26 (pages 350-405)

5/5 Chapters 27 & 28 (406-432)
5/6 Chapters 29 & 30 (433-455)
5/7 Catch-up Day
5/8 Review Day

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The Grapes of Wrath

2nd Drafts DUE Next Monday.


1) The importance of the land to the people
2) The Strength of Women
3) The Importance of family (even the definition of WHAT IS FAMILY)
4) We vs. I
5) People vs. “Moloch”
6) Anger

1) Give three detailed examples (detailed means a paragraph or more) of the following themes (and be able to explain how the examples fit the themes):

A) The Strength of Women
B) The Importance of Family (and the change of the definition of family)
C) We vs. I (this includes self-sacrifice and altruism)
D) People vs. Moloch
E) Anger
F) Capitalism vs. Socialism

G) The Great Depression

2) Symbols, Allusions, Analysis and higher orders of thinking

Be able to explore the ideas invoked by the following

 Pretty Boy Floyd
 The One-Eyed Man
 The men returning from California to go back home
 Exodus, Moses, the Plague
 Jesus, Judas
 Handbills
 The Joad’s Truck and Highway 66
 Tractor vs. Horses
 The turtle (at the beginning of the book)
 Desert (and places like Bakersfield, Barstow, etc.)

3) Be able to explain the following by description, events that happened, and what the places mean (symbolically and literally)

Farms in Oklahoma
Swarms of Cars

4) Outline the plot

5) Be able to explain the significance of the following characters (what they do, what they represent and how they are important or how they function in the novel)

Tom Joad, Jim Casey, Ma Joad, Pa Joad, Rose of Sharon, Granma and Grandpa Joad, Noah, Al, Muley Graves, Connie, the Wilsons, Ruthie and Winfield, Mr. And Mrs. Wainwright, Agnes Wainwright, and …

6) Be able to summarize and explain the significance of the following chapters: 22, 24, 26, 28, 30

7) Be able to discuss and explain in a paragraph what Steinbeck is doing in the “Descriptive” chapters of the novel and how these chapters function in the overall work.

8) Discuss how THE GRAPES OF WRATH is (or works as) socialist commentary?

9) Relate THE GRAPES OF WRATH to another book read in English 11.

10) The meaning of Land.

11) Economic Decline = the decline of family

Monday, 7 April 2014

Class Writing Workshop

Learning Objective: Write arguments to support claims in analysis of a substantive topic using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

In other words: Students will be able to write a persuasive essay with arguments supported by valid reasoning and sufficient evidence while using the six elements of the writing process and working on proper organization and developing individual voice.

OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to proof other students' essays looking for effective hooks, thesis statements, order of the developments, conclusions and types of proofs to back up claims.

We also need to revisit MLA citations both in-text and Works Cited page.

Remember the order of importance in MLA


1) Last Name/First Name of Author
2) Title of article or title of webpage
3) Title of book or website
4) Place of publication
5) Publisher
6) Date of publication
7) Page number
8) Source of publication (example: Web, Print, DVD, etc)
9) (Internet) Date of access.

go here for sample MLA Citation pages or in-text citations.

Here are two short - but decent - videos are in-text citations and works cited page

Also go here for an additional video on WORKS CITED PAGE

Friday, 4 April 2014

Class Essay Reviews

Learning Objective: Write arguments to support claims in analysis of a substantive topic using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

In other words: Students will be able to write a persuasive essay with arguments supported by valid reasoning and sufficient evidence while using the six elements of the writing process and working on proper organization and developing individual voice.

OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to proof other students' essays looking for effective hooks, thesis statements, order of the developments, conclusions and types of proofs to back up claims.

Thursday, 3 April 2014


Learning Objective: Write arguments to support claims in analysis of a substantive topic using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

In other words: Students will be able to write a persuasive essay with arguments supported by valid reasoning and sufficient evidence while using the six elements of the writing process and working on proper organization and developing individual voice.

Today's Objective: Students will be able to write an effective conclusion.

You should be working on your conclusion.  Today, we will be talking about conclusions and looking at a few sources to help you.

For one view on conclusions go HERE

You can also look at the UNC Writing Center's advice on conclusions by going HERE

Remember, your 1st draft is due on FRIDAY.   We will put this on the SmartBoard, and we will look closely at intoductory and concluding paragraphs.